John Silvestre Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - CBT

Anxiety & Related Disorders

Generalized Anxiety
Typical experience of chronic and intense worry, which may include a number of unpleasant symptoms such as trembling, shortness of breath and palpitations.

Panic Syndromes
Episodic frightening anxiety attacks, usually accompanied by anticipatory anxiety and avoidance of public and social situations and/or fear of experiencing certain physical symptoms.

Social Phobia
Persistent, strong desire to avoid situations involving social interactions, including public speaking, writing or performing in front of others. Fears of being exposed to scrutiny and humiliation.

Specific Phobias
Persistent fear and strong desire to avoid specific objects or situations. Examples include fear of animals, closed spaces, heights and germs.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
Experience of anxiety provoking repetitive thoughts, ideas, images or impulses that are felt as senseless or repugnant (obsessions) and/or anxiety reducing behaviors or thoughts performed in a ritualistic manner (compulsions). Examples of compulsions include: hand washing or checking door locks. Included hair pulling (trichotillomania), skin picking and appearance obsessions (Body Dysmorphic Disorder.)

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Experience of re-living the traumatic event via dreams or intrusive thoughts, emotional numbness, social withdrawal, loss of interest, startled responses, memory and concentration problems and sleep disturbance. Avoidance and intensive anxiety of reminders of traumatic event.Family System Problems Associated With Living With Anxiety Sufferer Typical patterns of maladaptive behaviors and interactions develop and often require readjustment in the form of psycho-education, building effective communication, develop positive non-enabling reactions to anxiety sufferer.